
Lawful Protest

In Current Events on April 6, 2009 at 9:40 pm

Vietnam Protest, courtesy of the Library of Congress

Click here for today’s feature:

Most of us have seen the images from last week’s demonstrations in London during the G20 meetings. Some of the protests were peaceful and orderly, while others were lawless and chaotic as people damaged buildings and personal property. Citizens demonstrating their displeasure about government and social policies has a rich heritage in this country and around the world.

This feature takes a look at the issue of lawful protest with Col John Eidsmoe, legal counsel for the Moral Law Foundation, and Nat Hintof, Senior Fellow with the CATO Institute.

  1. Col John You are doing well, and I Sir salute you on your Quest for the best of America, Happy Easter to all I remain In His service Rev Charles! friend and consolor to Clark!

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